For the past few days, we have noticed suspicious money gains among some players. On Wednesday evening, during a random inspection round, an admin detected a UseBug (Usage Bug) on a tool named: Construction Wand
To understand the bug, one must understand how the Construction Wand functions. This tool has different tiers and two enhancements. Depending on the tier, it can place blocks over an area defined by its action radius instantaneously.
However, one of its enhancements, the core destruction, allows it to break blocks instantaneously based on its action radius. This is where the problem starts.
With the Construction Wand, even if you are a Builder, you do not gain XP or money by placing a large number of blocks. However, with the Core Destruction enhancement, if you are a Miner, you gain as much money and XP as the number of blocks broken.
Here, with the enhancement at maximum (i.e., 1024 blocks), we are talking about more than $5000 per destroyed area.
To preserve the interest of the Construction Wand, we have simply banned the Core Destruction enhancement and prohibited its use.
To resolve the inequalities caused by this UseBug, we have removed the levels and money gained by the players affected by the use of this enhanced item, totaling more than $460,000.
We do everything to ensure the server maintains a financial and strategic balance across all professions. We do not tolerate the use of UseBugs, and if you witness or detect a bug, please inform us as soon as possible!
Without this, sanctions could be applied.
4 July 2024
The Admins